

真空吸引加圧鋳造(しんくうきゅういんかあつちゅうぞう) Vacuum Suction Pressure Casting / Vacuum/Pressure Casting 複合鋳造方案の種類のひとつ。 ...


鋳型回転加圧鋳造(いがたかいてんかあつちゅうぞう) Combined Casting (Method) 複合鋳造方案の種類のひとつ。 比較的低速で中心回転させる鋳型に溶湯を注湯する鋳造方案。(特許取得 ...

Common Defects in Lost Wax Jewelry Casting / 6 typical types of casting defects

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / Countermeasures against TURBULENCE

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / Shapes of INGATES to prevent TURBULNCE

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / ”GAS VENT” for air releasing

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / “RESERVOIR” to prevent shrinkage porosities

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / Prevention for CRACKING & POROSITIES : Basic concepts for attaching GATE SPRUES

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / “HOTSPOTS” where areas get hot in casting and its countermeasures

★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has been pr ...

SPRUE SYSTEM for better results in JEWELRY CASTING / Wax trees for VACUUM SUCTION casting

    ★This column is a commentary on lost wax casting with a block molding method This column has bee ...

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